Scott Poole
Scott Poole is the Lead Investigator and Founder of the American Ghost Project. Scott is a retired Veteran of the United States Army and relies on his military training and his Catholic faith to guide him into the darkness. Scott believes that his abilities to commune with the dead are a gift from God.
MommaJo is a long-time resident of the Sikeston/Southeast Missouri area and the mother of Scott Poole. Before her husband, Dr. Anthony Poole MD, passed away on Christmas morning of 2014, searching for the paranormal was never a priority. But my how priorities can change! You will usually see her as the "Sensitive One" in our investigations, as the Spirits tend to gravitate toward her amazing positive energy more often.
MommaJo is a Core Member of the American Ghost Project, and Scott relies on her unyielding strength and wisdom to help guide the team through the darkness.
Kristy Miller
Kristy came to the team via the event we held at "Blood Steps Manor" in Cairo, IL. Since then, she has been a ferocious ally in the pursuit of all things paranormal and unexplained. She never hesitates to do all she can for the team when asked.
Rowan Wynter
Rowan Wynter is Scott's Nephew and the Grandson of MommaJo. Along with Scott, he works for the American Ghost Project full-time as the company's first Production Assistant and Social Media Manager. He is focused, purpose-driven and assists Scott in producing incredible content for TikTok and YouTube.
Karen Teeters
Karen came to us during a torrential downpour in Charleston, MO, during our investigation of the McCutchen Theatre and Russell Hotel. She is the Executive Director of the Charleston Chamber of Commerce and a Core Member of the American Ghost Project. She has never faltered to speak her mind when asked and is a valued member of Scott's inner circle.